Date: Dec 29, 2006
Subject: Get New or Returning with Toastmaster Resolutions
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Subject: WHQ Transactions Postponed for Inventory 12/16/06 - 01/07/07IMPORTANT NOTICE!World Headquarters–Transactions Postponed for InventoryAdd new members, file new club charter forms, file educational award applications, and order all supplies for mid-winter Club Officer Training, etc BEFORE December 15, 2006 (i.e. received at TI WHQ in California).As part of TI's inventory process, which is required by law, we will be unable to process the following transactions between Saturday, December 16, 2006 through January 7, 2007.
This includes submissions online and/or by mail:• Supply• New member kits• Charter kits• Education award certificates (including free advanced manuals)Submissions received by Friday, December 15, 2006, 11:59 p.m., PT, will beprocessed and shipped, with one exception – orders that require engravingmust be received by Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 11:59 p.m., PT.Between December 16 and January 7, supply orders, applications foreducational awards and applications for new members cannot beentered online. Any of those items, as well as new club charter formsreceived by mail will be held and processed after January 7.We suggest you hold your submissions until January 8 and then enterthe information online. This is the fastest way to get your materials.HELPFUL HINTS:If you know you will need materials during this time, place your orderin early December so you will have the materials you need and youwon't be disappointed. Have some Competent Communication andCompetent Leadership manuals on hand to give to new members ifthey join your club during this time. Once they have submitted theirapplication and check and have been voted into your club, you cangive them a set of manuals to get started. Then, when they receivetheir new member kit they can turn the manuals over to the club.The club can then give the manuals to other new members as theyjoin while they are waiting for their new member kit.
"An Evening With Toastmaster World Champions"or"The Champions' Edge ... Live!"How much would you pay to be coached by a World Champion Speaker? How much would you pay to be coached by TWO?If you want to improve in any skill, it pays to seek the advice of others who have already "been there; done that." The fact is, if you want to improve your skills you need a coach -- someone to teach you to think, act, and perform at a higher level. Even Tiger Woods has a coach.On Monday, December 18th (7:00 pm til 9:30 pm) , you'll get a chance to experience the magic of coaching from two World Champions of Public Speaking. Our Toastmaster Champions David Brooks (1990) and Darren LaCroix (2001) invite you to a special free program at The Hartford, Tower Bldg, T22, 690 Asylum Ave, Hartford, CT.Dave and Darren have taught, coached, and mentored thousands of business communicators around the world. Here's your chance to be coached by two of the best in thebusiness.After a short opening presentation from Darren and Dave, volunteers from the audience will be given a rare opportunity to deliver a short presentation, and then receive instant feedbackfrom the champs. If you're one of the volunteer speakers, you'll experience the kind of coaching Darren and Dave give finalists in the World Championships.And even if you aren't a volunteer speaker that evening, you'll learn just as much by watching how we coach. In short, whether you're sitting or standing, as long as you're there, you'll learn!To read and know more about Dave and Darren, please visit their websites: and (with your audio speakers on) to Darren's personal invitation, an audio postcard ... clickEmail Your RSVP to .Reservations are required by Monday, 12-18-06, 11:00am. We're sorry, but due to space limitations and security requirements, walk-ups (or walk-ins) can not be admitted.Questions?
Call 860-547-6337, or email Area B4 Gov, Judith ChambersKeep your Web Eye on
Leadership Exchange and Officer Training - Winter Dec 06 , Jan/Feb 07
Division Governors Offer The Leadership Exchange
by LGET Will Ryan, DTM
Here comes winter training.
Between December 1, 2006 and February 28, 2007, the Division Governors will be hosting biannual training and development sessions for club officers. This year we have a new name for winter training - The Leadership Exchange - inspired by a suggestion from Jim Parsons, Area F1 Governor. Thanks, Jim.
Webster's online dictionary lists these definitions. (My interpretations relative to The Leadership Exchange follow the definitions):
Exchange = Reciprocal giving and receiving.
We will share winning leadership strategies and in so doing, all attendees will give and receive. Something offered, given, or received in an exchange. Leadership Exchanges will work well when club officers attend with a give attitude and come to the event prepared to share their experiences in club leadership. A place where things or services are exchanged.
Our winter gatherings will surely be places to exchange ideas that work. In the same time frame, Area Governors will be conducting make-up Exchanges for those club officers who are unable to attend the Division sessions.
Each year Toastmasters club officers gather twice for training and development. During the summer, we assemble an expert faculty to offer many courses designed for all club offices. We call this annual gathering the Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI). The breadth and depth of subjects is impressive, and feedback indicates that we're on target, offering courses that club officers need and want.
The Distinguished Club Program (DCP) identifies ten goals that 80 years of experience indicate, when achieved, result in very strong clubs. Goal #9 says, "A minimum of four club officers trained during each of two training periods." If your club was not able to have four officers trained during the summer, your club is ineligible for a DCP point for training. But remember, it's the learning that really counts, and statistics show that well-developed club officers lead strong clubs. So attend your Division's Leadership Exchange, and be prepared to give and receive by sharing your experiences with fellow club officers.
If you're a club officer or a club leader, put your Division's Leadership Exchange on your calendar and BE THERE!
Editor's note: You may want to "exchange" your questions and your ideas on Officer Training, The Leadership Exchange, or any Toastmasters educational programming with your Lt. Governor Education & Training, Email Will Ryan, DTM . Don't be shy.
The dates for the two Division A Leadership Exchange events are:
Jan.24th, 2007 at 7:30pm
Hosted by Socially Speaking Toastmasters, Brookfield, CT
at Brookfield Congregational Church (basement, door in back)
160 Whisconier Road, Intersection of Routes 25 & 133, Brookfield, CT, 06804,
Jan.27th, 2007 at 9:30am
Hosted by Marist Toastmasters, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY
3399 North Rd, Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601 (building and room TBD)
Contact your area governor for more information or questions.
Treat yourself to a celebration and conference on communications and leadership. Pay heed to Stephen Covey's 7th habit of highly effective people, namely Sharpen the Saw: Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal." Register for the 50th Anniversary Celebration and the District 53 Fall Conference. Do it Today and save!
What: 50th Anniversary Celebration
When: Friday, November 3, 2006
Join the 50th Anniversary Celebration - District 53's Fiftieth Birthday Bash!
There will be 50's music played throughout the evening, door prizes, continuous video displays of club memorabilia from years gone by, many surprises, and dancing to the hits of the 50's, 60's, and beyond.
Questions? Contact Frank Kane, 50th Anniversary Chair,
Phone: (860) 228-3261
What: District 53 Fall 2006 Conference
When: Saturday, November 4, 2006
* Enhance your Communication or Leadership skills with a choice of 9 outstanding Educational Seminars
* Evaluation Speech Contest (10:00 AM)
* Hall of Fame Awards Luncheon
* District 53 Council Meeting
* Humorous Speech Contest and Dinner Banquet
Where: Holiday Inn Albany-Turf on Wolf Rd, Albany, NY
Stay Overnight: Call the Holiday Inn Turf before October 12 at (518) 458-7250 and mention "Toastmasters International Block" to get a special discounted room rate of only $99.00!
Visit Holiday Inn online at
Conference Co-chairs:
Jabbar Fagan Phone: (518) 447-8267 (w)
Sandra Buxton Phone: (518) 746-2560 (w)
Registration Chair:
Sarah Gebbie-Measeck
Phone: (518) 747-7390 (h)
Education Program Chair:
Jeff Sobel
Phone: (518) 355-3731 (h) (518) 356-7598 (w)
****** information provided by Rich Couture, DTM ************************
Celebrate District 53's 50th Anniversary Year
The Humorous Speech Contest was won by Carole Hurst who advances, along with Pat, to the Division A Contest on Wed. Oct. 11th at Wooster School Library at 7:00pm. A picture of Carole is shown below.
The Division Contest is hosted by West Conn Toastmasters ( and contestants should arrive at 7pm. Directions are available on the WestConn Toastmaster's web site (see link above).
Hope to see you there !
See below for a close-up of the banner ...
The A-team never disappoints. :-)Possible A-Blog sound effects ... yes?
The Area A-5 Fall Contest (Evaluation) is scheduled for October 4, 2006 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Marist College in the Ulrich Conference Room.
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