Saturday, September 08, 2007

An Interview with David Brooks, 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking

Steve Pavlina, a professional blogger and Toastmaster living in Las Vegas, recently interviewed David Brooks, the 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking. The first question is sampled below. Click here for the whole interview.
1. What overall strategy did you use to become the 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking? How did you do it?
The day I made the commitment to attempt a run for the Toastmasters’ title I told myself, “I may encounter competitors who can ‘out-speak’ me, but no one will ‘out-prepare’ me.” I then made the commitment to spend as much time as it took to be absolutely ready the moment I took the stage in the International finals. I promised myself I would not take the stage with the thought “If only I had a little more time” in my head. That was the most important strategy–Do whatever it takes to be the best prepared. Thereafter, it was merely a matter of choosing the right message, writing it well, and practicing it more than anyone else.

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