(from http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2007/06/the_vibe.html)
The vibe
Have you ever been at a banquet or in a boutique or at a concert or a meeting or a company where the vibe was incredibly positive?
I think you know what I mean. A time and place where there was an overflow of positive energy. You felt surrounded by possibility, or people who believed in you, or just felt like buying (or eating, or talking) a lot.
The vibe changes everything. It's a place you want to work, or a restaurant you want to come back to. .... If vibe is so important, why does it sound flaky to worry about it? Who's in charge of the vibe at your place? Could it be better? A lot better? Changing the vibe isn't always possible, but most of us rarely try. From physical layout to organization to what leaders say and do... it matters. Sometimes, it's all that matters.
We definitely want to "Set a New Standard" for the "vibe" of a Toastmasters conference !
I'm really looking forward to seeing what we can do to make the Fall '07 Leadership Summit the BEST ONE EVER !
GO [host division] A-Team !
Dave Wheeler
Div.A Governor, 2006-8
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