Monday, April 03, 2006

Club Officer Election Process ...


*** _Club Elections in May_ ***
Appoint a nominating committee NOW !

In May, all clubs must elect annual officers serving from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007, or semi-
annual officers serving from July 1, 2006, through December 31, 2006. Semiannual terms are an option
available only to clubs that meet weekly.
1) NOW ... Appoint a nominating committee (see club constitution).
The committee should be chaired by the immediate past president or most recent past president available.
Appoint your nominating committee NOW !

2) Last meeting in April: Nominating committee reports to the club.

3) First meeting in May: The nominating committee report is presented to the club. If the nominating committee
has no report at the last meeting in April, postpone the election until one week after the meeting at which
the report is given.

Call for nominations from the floor. Nominations and elections begin with the president and proceed in
descending order. Remember: A quorum (51 percent of active members) is needed to conduct business (including
electing officers). Proxies or absentee ballots are not allowed at the club level. Members must be active
and present to vote.

4) Tell International. Don’t forget to fill out a club and officer information form online immediately following your election so the
correct officers will receive every important mailing. Go to The link is in the
“Club Business” section on the home page. Or, your club may submit the club and officer information form by
mail or fax, instead.

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