Probably bigger than you imagine ... especially if you consider it is an extension of the impact that eye contact makes in one-on-one conversations.
I read a great little article on the Greatness Project blog where they said...
... That direct, deep look fosters a connection which creates great moments of creativity, collaboration, intimacy and a host of other positive behaviors. When I connect in this manner, or someone connects with me, the ability to create something positive is almost effortless because by the simple action of
looking someone in the eye, I acknowledge their personhood, uniqueness and contribution.
Wow, those are pretty strong words for a simple concept like "eye contact"... but when was the last time you really noticed it?
I was at a tradeshow (for Toastmasters, as a matter of fact) in Bridgeport, CT and noticed that the people who made eye contact during a conversation seemed to have a much better "connection" and seemed to be listening better than those that did not maintain eye contact.
(And, to be fair, I noticed when I was not maintaining eye contact ... so the gaps in connection could have been my fault too.)
How can you improve your "Eye Contact"?
I make sure I see the color of their eyes. If I don't know the color of their eyes at the end of the conversation, I know I have not looked at them.
Interesting concept.... care to try it the next time you are having a conversation with someone? How about when you are speaking to a small audience... like at a Toastmasters meeting?
Leave a comment below and let us know how it worked for you !