Greetings Area A4 Toastmasters,
My term as Area A4 Governor will be ending on June 30th, 2006 and we need to nominate someone to fill the role for the next (Toastmaster) year which runs from July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007.
If we can identify a candidate (or two or three), I would like to present them at the Area Leadership Council Meeting prior to the Area Spring Contest on March 29th. This way we can all be in agreement on the name that we present to the district as our next Area Governor.
Selecting the next Area Governor by the end of March will also give me a chance to help make the transition smoother and easier for them.
There is one other reason I want to find the next Area A4 Governor... I've been nominated for Division A Governor for next year. (This is a district level position which means that we need to keep track of the proxy vote forms that Toastmasters International sends to the clubs and submit them at the Spring Conference.)
Please send me your nominations (or the name of the person you would like to see as the next Area Governor). This year has been a great experience for me and I'm sure it will be for the next Area Governor as well.
Talk to you soon!
Dave Wheeler
Area A4 Governor, 2005-6
(Plus, being a district officer or Area Governor is also one of the requirements toward your AL award and eventually DTM ! )
My term as Area A4 Governor will be ending on June 30th, 2006 and we need to nominate someone to fill the role for the next (Toastmaster) year which runs from July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007.
If we can identify a candidate (or two or three), I would like to present them at the Area Leadership Council Meeting prior to the Area Spring Contest on March 29th. This way we can all be in agreement on the name that we present to the district as our next Area Governor.
Selecting the next Area Governor by the end of March will also give me a chance to help make the transition smoother and easier for them.
There is one other reason I want to find the next Area A4 Governor... I've been nominated for Division A Governor for next year. (This is a district level position which means that we need to keep track of the proxy vote forms that Toastmasters International sends to the clubs and submit them at the Spring Conference.)
Please send me your nominations (or the name of the person you would like to see as the next Area Governor). This year has been a great experience for me and I'm sure it will be for the next Area Governor as well.
Talk to you soon!
Dave Wheeler
Area A4 Governor, 2005-6
(Plus, being a district officer or Area Governor is also one of the requirements toward your AL award and eventually DTM ! )